Optimizing Human Capital Development
The Council for Research on Distributor Best Practices conducted its 2014 consortium on Optimizing Human Capital Development. Following the very successful Optimizing Channel Compensation and Optimizing Growth and Market Share consortia, this initiative conducted research to develop practical methodologies and tools to optimize recruiting, training and retaining human capital. A two-day educational session was developed based on the resulting knowledge, methodology and tools.
Optimizing Distributor Profitability
After many years of research by both firms and individuals, a “best” approach is now known for almost every imaginable distributor activity. Though each best practice and their projected impact on financial statements has been analyzed in isolation, no one has yet attempted to implement all relevant best practices and determine their effects on the firm’s ROI and net profit. This program and the research behind it aim to help you become that perfect distributor – to see just how profitable a well-educated and well-equipped distributor can be.
Pricing Optimization
This Consortium will research pricing strategy and variables designed to include break even analysis, price elasticity, price thresholds, product life cycle pricing and price sensitivity. Scientific pricing decision making is one potential focus area for profitable revenue management. Profitability depends equally as much on pricing as it does cost control.
Sales & Marketing Optimization
Marketing is an underdeveloped science for most distributors. Few distributors seem to have a consistent, well thought out message that tells who they are and what makes them different from their competition. Consortium members will participate directly in the research and gain a better understanding of the findings. The full report will be issued to each consortium member with all analysis performed on the firm itself with the firm’s data.
Optimizing Distributor Growth & Market Share
The consortium is focused on important business topics for interested wholesale distribution companies of all sizes and across all lines of trade. This consortium will be pioneering research-driven education programs on the topic of Optimizing Distributor Growth and Market Share.
Optimizing Channel Compensation
Even though many distributors may be somewhat familiar with these concepts and may utilize them to some extent, understanding and implementing a holistic approach to date has been achieved by only a select few. The development of tools that will enhance the scientific decision making capabilities and implementation procedures of firms will be the primary focus of the consortium. The consortium members will receive results, methodology and tools developed during this pioneering research in Optimizing Channel Compensation.
Optimize Business Analytics
Current needs and trends in wholesale-distribution are pointing towards analytics. It will no longer be optional for a firm to invest in analytics. The consortium set-up (cross-industry collaboration and individual workshops) is designed for the very purpose of understanding industry-wide challenges and firm-specific opportunities. This Research Consortium will be beneficial to Wholesaler-Distributors and Manufacturers who go to market through Distributors.
Optimizing Value Added Services
A research team from Texas A&M University will analyze growth opportunities with consortium members to determine how to optimize ROI in value add services. Supply Chain impacting factors will be included in the analysis along with best practices in Supply Chain Management to determine the ROI impact of differing strategies.
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Optimizing Small Distributors
Today small distributors are facing unprecedented difficulties in technology, human resources and investment. Technology continues to change at a rapid pace, becoming less costly, and spurring innovation in operational efficiency as well as sales and marketing at distribution firms of all sizes. This consortia will identify a set of best practices for optimizing small distributors’ resource (human and asset) utilization and profitability.
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